How to share data?


Hi, i've ordered my lpc4357 board.
Waiting for it, i'm learning some bases.

I've already used the Lpcxpresso IDE with other nxp cpu (lpc1769, and 1114).
With the help of the code red web site ( i've created a new workspace, with 2 projects, one for the M4 core, and one for the M0, with the dependancies, up to here, everythings are all goods.

My question, is it possible to share datas between the two cores? And how ti do this?

In the apps within the board will be use (replacement of the lpc1769 board actually in place), i'd like to use, the M0 core to make many communications (by UART and RS485), and the M4 core, to process with datas updated by the M0. I hope this is clear enought.

Thx, kabriolin.