EmbOS Trial Version Cortex-M IAR LPC4350
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embOS is a priority-controlled real time operating system, designed to be used as foundation for the development of embedded real-time applications. It is a zero interrupt latency, high-performance RTOS that has been optimized for minimum memory consumption in both RAM and ROM, as well as high speed and versatility.
Throughout the development process of embOS, the limited resources of microcontrollers have always been kept in mind. embOS is fully source-compatible on different platforms (8/16/32 bits), making it easy to port applications to different CPUs. Its’ highly modular structure ensures that only those functions that are needed are linked, keeping the ROM size very small. Tasks can easily be created and safely communicate with each other using a complete palette of communication mechanisms such as semaphores, mailboxes, and events. Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) can also take advantage of these communication mechanisms.
SEGGER’s intention is to cut software development time for embedded applications by offering high quality, compact, flexible and easy-to-use middleware allowing developers to concentrate on their applications.
LPC4350 embOS port
LPC4350 embOS port are done and verified by SEGGER. For an easy start with software products SEGGER offers ready to use trial/eval versions for LPC4350-DB1 board. The packages include some or all of the following components:
emWin - graphic software / GUI
embOS - real time OS / RTOS
emFile - file system with support for NAND-, NOR- flashes, SD, CF cards, IDE and more
emUSB - USB device stack with support for bulk, MSD, CDC, HID and more
emUSB Host - USB Host Stack
embOS/IP - TCP/IP Stack
Information about LPC4350-DB1 and download of embOS trial version Cortex-M IAR can be found at the Segger website http://www.segger.com/arrow-lpc4350-db1.html